The importance of sending your child to Narre Warren early learning
Early childhood education has a deep impact on the child’s overall development. According to researchers, it is an important time in a child’s life because they learn how to interact with others including their peers, teachers, and parents. It is also a time when they begin to develop different interests which will stay with them throughout their lives.
There’s a common misconception that early childhood education is only related to basic learning. It is more than that, it is a time when children learn critical social and emotional skills. They learn to form partnerships with their parents and teachers and when this is done successfully, it lays the groundwork which continues throughout the child’s educational journey.
Early childhood education at Narre warren early learning
Nations around the world are aware of the importance of early childhood education. UNESCO says that early childhood education is more than just a preparation for primary school. It is a holistic development of the child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs. It helps build a solid foundation for lifelong learning and well-being. Early childhood education is responsible for nurturing caring and capable future citizens.
Studies have looked at everything from social benefits of early childhood education to stem learning outcomes. They have discovered that early childhood education has a lasting impact on a child’s overall development.
Early childhood educators get to know their students and their specific interests. This allows them to build trust with their students and help make children feel more comfortable. It has been observed when children trust the people around them they learn quickly and successfully.
Parental involvement can help strengthen the relationship building process between the caregivers and the children. They should work correctly with the teachers to ensure a positive outcome in their child’s life.
The key is to focus on the child’s natural curiosity and implement them into lesson plans. A huge part of the teacher’s time is spent in looking at the child’s interest and using those interests to help them engage in learning.
Teachers can take various subjects which fascinate individual students and expand on it through in class activities. Focusing on these areas will help students develop critical thinking skills and allow them to build complex answers which are more than a simple yes or no.
There are many childcare options in Narre Warren. The Narre warren early Learning Center is aligned with the national standards so students have the right set of skills to enter grade school. They learn from the best education professionals who have first hand teaching experience. Children are exposed to various situations and allowed to integrate field experiences with everyday learning. Any in class topic that the child is learning allows them to put the concept into practice.
Students love the field experience although it can be a little intimidating at first but when they are allowed to have a hands on learning experience they learn better. Children are taught about nature and its helpful in developing strong social and cultural foundations. They learn the art of collaboration and at the same time understand different concepts enough fun and engaging way.

Importance of Afterschool Care Nerang for Teens and Kids
There are a thousand and more ways to describe the various schools in Nerang. However, the importance of after school care, Nerang for teens and kids still needs to be understood by parents.
Afterschool care programs, Nerang offer unique benefits both to parents and their children. Here are the reasons how and why afterschool care needs to become part of the education equation for kids and teens:
Encourage mental stimulation
Summer vacations often produce mental apathy in kids. A marked dip in learning skills and proficiency happens in teens and kids when away from associated learning and the classroom.
Letting the learning slide during the summer season often brings on learning inconsistency and uncertainty in kids by the time they go back to school. Keeping the learning stimulation active and creative in kids during the summer is by letting them attend afterschool care. The introduction of new learning opportunities and ideas by the afterschool programs helps to stimulate the active minds of teens and children.
Allow a different type of skill-building and learning opportunity
Enrichment activities provided by afterschool programs provide rich learning opportunities for children. There’s always room for learning improvement for children no matter the excellent programs provided by their schools.
For instance, skills such as entrepreneurship, coding classes, and more are some of the learning opportunities that are not offered by many schools. The learning void is filled when kids are exposed to afterschool programs during vacations or regular school times.
Creativity boost
Creativity in young children can be quickly stifled when it is not encouraged and learned. The creative minds of kids and teens need a good outlet for them to come up with great ideas.
Schoolwork could often be a must-do activity for many children and teens. After school care programs, on the other hand, are focused on nice-to-do learning activities.
The best way to boost the creativity levels of children is to let them attend afterschool care programs. The various learning activities offered by the program allow children to have fun while they explore and discover new skills and ideas.
Provide social learning
Relationship building and social time for children is one of the big benefits provided by afterschool care programs. The pandemic has affected many teens and children physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Being made to endure staying at home for a year is hard for young active minds and bodies. Going back to school is seen as an exciting event for many kids and teens. Online classes have made the children miss out on social interaction with peers and teachers.
While physical distancing is encouraged at all times in afterschool care programs, they offer more flexibility in terms of socialization. Being able to work with their peers on various projects introduced by the program allows children to satisfy their craving for social interaction.
Provide children opportunities to make important discoveries
The structured setting of a school has its good and bad sides. While meaningful and deeper relationships are formed among the students, their social bubbles are limited.
Being able to connect with other age groups and other students from different schools is the environment offered by afterschool care programs. It allows teens and children to discover new things, skills, and friends.
Kinder Cottage services families from Nerang. Contact us to know more about our excellent afterschool care programs for teens and kids.

Early learning in Brunswick
Learning at an early age has huge benefits which can be argued for. Older pupils struggling with education pressures is an aspect that could be taken care of at an early age. This explains the reason why there is a need to cultivate a child’s learning habits at an early age. If measures are put in place early, they certainly will excel when ascending the academic ladder from one level to the other.
The following tips are helpful for any guardian or parent who intends to help their child soar higher or improve in their learning capabilities.
Tips to Help Improve your Children’s Education
1. Train the child on how studies should be conducted. Emphasize the need to comprehend the information that you provided to them. You can achieve this by using visual or audio learning materials as they can easily remember and make a relation. Let them read loudly what you have told them and guide them on how to make drawings no matter how haphazard they may be. This triggers their visual instincts which are vital in learning and remembering.
2. Make a study routine for them. create this habit through the use of basic aspects such as shapes and colours which they can easily remember. You can create a study routine where study sessions are conducted twice each morning and in the evening. You may choose an appropriate length of time taking into account not to strain them since their comprehension ability is still low. When they enrol in school, you can guide them on how to juggle their homework together with their home sessions. This way, they will get to understand the need for commitment in their learning as well as being responsible.
3. Make a room that is specific for their learning sessions. This should be free from any distractions. Distractions will hinder their concentration thus compromising the entire learning process. Even though this may seem silly, with time as their age adds up, the room will be flooded with toys.
Before the above-mentioned tips are considered, a guardian or the parent needs to consider the following principles essential to introducing early learning habits to their children.
Principles to Consider
1. Study the comprehension ability of their child. Assess the position of a child in their development stage. Find out the areas you need to draw your attention to. Having a plan for the development of your child education wise is important. This provides a clue on the areas that you need to focus on. Find out the areas that they are having difficulty comprehending and allocate more time to those areas.
2. Procure or develop materials for the learning process. Numerous materials can be found in bookshops or in kids stores which can be much helpful. Toy manufacturers and Kids’ content developers keep striving in providing educational stuff for children. If you resort to making learning materials from home yourself, you can always consult the internet through respective sites to acquaint yourself with how to prepare learning materials for children.
As seen in this discussion, it is important to prepare your child early on matters to do with learning and general academic education. This arouses curiosity in them and the desire to know and learn more. By doing so, they will find learning enjoyable and pleasing and the scenario observable with older pupils will never be witnessed
Send your child to Happy Hippo for a wholistic approach in growth, development and education.

How your Child benefits from Good Childcare Morayfield
Parents in Morayfield opting to send their children to good childcare, Morayfield is giving them a good head start. Early childhood education and child development focus on good childcare, Morayfield provides countless benefits to young children.
It has been seen by numerous studies and research that one of the best ways to develop cognitive, social, and emotional skills in children is early childhood education. The early education exposure also helps prepare children for formal schooling and beyond.
Benefits of Good Childcare Centres
The future looks bright for children that are made to attend a good childcare centre. Here’s why:
Emotional resilience
Social skills development in children is one of the top goals of reputable childcare facilities. Sharing, getting along with others, becoming independent, communicates their ideas, and taking turns are things learned by children while attending a childcare centre. Healthy relationships are formed by a child with others with the early development of social and emotional resilience.
Various research studies have found that children attending childcare when they are between the ages of 2 and 3 are likely to cope better with their emotions and have a better attention span. Learning this skill not only benefits the child but the parents as well.
Form good habits
Children thrive when they have the same routine every day. The sameness of the routine makes them feel secure and safe. Expecting to do things such as going to the childcare every day helps to keep them settled and calm. Learning healthy habits at the childcare such as washing their hands or brushing their teeth contributes to making children feel secure.
Learning the skills of a good routine helps children to become independent. Packing their bag or getting dressed without assistance is a child’s way of starting to take charge of his/her daily activities.
The structured and safe environment of good childcare helps children to develop and use different techniques in dealing with daily activities. Parents are rewarded with cooperative children when they are exposed to an early education program.
Instil a lifetime love of learning
Instilling a lifetime love of learning in children is one of the outstanding benefits provided by childcare Morayfield. The cognitive and social experiences children learn from childcare helps develop a positive outlook on learning. Formal schooling in later years usually becomes academically and emotionally successful for children when made to attend childcare in their early years.
Develop numeracy and literacy skills
One of the firm foundations of early childhood education is forming numeracy and literacy skills in children. Drawing shapes, listening to stories, and telling something about pictures are seen as some of the best ways for children to learn literacy skills.
Pouring water into different container sizes, playing music, and singing enables children to acquire numeracy skills. An early start in learning numeracy and literacy skills creates a significant impact on academic success in the later life of the children.
Countless studies have proved that children perform much better academically, socially, and emotionally when they were made to attend childcare at a young age.
An early start for children is provided when they are sent to childcare before starting formal schooling. The supportive and secure environment of high-quality childcare enables children to learn in a fun and exciting way.

Benefits Of Daycare For A Child’s Growth And Development
When it comes to the idea of taking a child to a daycare, some will argue that it is a reasonable idea, while others will say that it is not alright for a child to be separated from their parents at a young age. Both of these statements can be true depending on the parent’s level of understanding and perception of their child’s needs. Both of these things might be right, depending on their level of experience and perception. This article will outline some of the significant advantages of enrolling a kid in a daycare centre.
Advantages of a daycare centre to a kid
The following are some of the benefits to a child by enrolling them in a daycare centre.
- The child develops emotional resilience
If the parents allow their child to misbehave, they are more likely to do so in the parents’ presence. However, by taking a child to a daycare, the child learns to handle themselves in a respectful way both to themselves and those watching them.
- The child learns to respect people and their values
Taking a youngster to a daycare exposes them to different views and ways of life to make them more aware. The care provider will teach them essential lessons on respecting one another and valuing each other’s opinions. A child will then develop respect for both the elder ones as well as their age mates.
- A child learns how to make friends
One of the important reasons for taking your child to a daycare is because they will meet and make new friends away from their family hierarchy. It is a vital attribute because nowadays, people need one another to accomplish different goals.
- A child develops self-esteem
When a child sits with their age mate, they become more confident in themselves, and they develop the confidence of interacting with fellow kids. Self-esteem is an important virtue that needs to be nurtured as early as possible to enable the child to believe that they can accomplish great things.
- A child becomes accustomed to school life
The daycare environment closely resembles the preschool environment. As a child attends daycare, they become used to the school environment and will have no problems when they start preschooling.
- A child excels in Academics
When a child gets used to the school environment in a daycare setting, they have an easy time adapting to formal education, and they end up performing better than those who skipped daycare education.
Having looked at the above benefits of daycare to a child, it is evident that taking a child to a daycare is more advantageous than if they are left to stay with their parents until they start preschooling.
Is it advisable for a child to attend a nearby daycare?
Most parents find themselves in a dilemma about taking their child to a nearby daycare or a far daycare. Either of the choices is ok depending on the parent’s source of income and if they can meet the involved costs. The advantage of a nearby daycare is that it reduces transport costs and is also a safe practice. On the other hand, taking a child to a far daycare can expose them to a new environment where they can learn many things they were unaware of before.
Busy Bees have 2 child care centres in Cranbourne. Check out their facilities with your child and talk with their personnel to find out if they are right for you.
Why ISO 9001 Accreditation is Essential for Business Success
ISO 9001 accreditation is a quality management system recognised internationally; many countries worldwide have enjoyed the benefits of ISO 9001 accreditation despite their organisations’ size; it helps them to continuously improve their business. A well-implemented ISO 9001 quality management system helps business organisations enjoy benefits such as effective and efficient operations and proper monitoring of workers at the workplace. It helps make decisions about the current and future state of the business, lays out expectations and solutions to possible problems, documents the responsibilities of employees, and establishes channels of communication between leaders and workers at all levels.
ISO 9001 cert from Atlas Certification leads to high-quality products and good customer services, making them fully satisfied and appreciating all stakeholders’ relationships.
Quality management system follows certain principles that influence organisation activities; the principles have some rules, norms, and beliefs that guide how the organisation’s activities are done. The principles make organisations run smoothly, leading to management performance improvement.
These quality management principles are:
1. Customer focus: The principle focuses mainly on making customers satisfied; the organisation also tries its best to maintain customers and attract more to increase their sales volume. The organisation should also understand the customer’s expectations. It enables the organisation to have benefits such as; the customer’s value is significantly increased, ensuring the customer is fully satisfied, increased sales volume, and improved customer loyalty.
2. Leadership: The principle states that all leaders should have unity irrespective of their status. Doing this creates a conducive working environment, hence easing organisation goals due to proper use of available resources. The principle helps the organisation acquire benefits like; ensure leaders are coordinating among leaders, leading to improved communication between different levels of organisation’s management, and improving the organisation ability to deliver up to the customer’s expectations.
3. Engagement of people: The principle explains that people of different levels in the organisation should work together to ensure they meet their customers’ needs. It is affected when all people are respected, empowered, and recognised; thus, enabling them to achieve a quality objective. The benefits of good engagement of people include; leads to a well understanding of quality objectives by all individuals in the organisation. It enhances creativity and satisfaction and ensures good collaboration in the organisation.
4. Process approach: Proper understanding and well management of business activities leads to a more efficient and effective organisation. The principle includes optimising performance by properly utilising the available resources, enabling the organisation to know possible outcomes, and identifying market gaps.
5. Improvement: The organisation should focus on maintaining and improving their initial performance, and they should be ready to cope with internal and external conditions when running their organisations. Benefits of organisation improvement include improving process performance and customer satisfaction; it enables the organisation to tackle internal and external environments with due diligence.
6. Evidence-based decision-making: Well-analysis and evaluation of available data and information in every organisation lead to sound decision-making, ensuring smooth running. Its benefits are; improvement of the decision-making process ensures the organisation’s operation’s effectiveness and efficiency and ensures the right decisions arrived at every time.
7. Relationship management: For every business to succeed, all organisation’s relationships are well-managed to ensure that all resources are well-utilised. The benefits include; organisation performance, leading to a good supply chain, thus enabling a continuous flow of goods and services.
When organisations follow the latter’s principles, they will realise drastic performance improvement and provide the right working environment for all individuals in and around the organisation and all stakeholders.

Different Types of Art Prints
You can find online art galleries that buy original artwork from emerging artists. The art prints are always of high quality and come in many different sizes and mediums. When looking for art reproductions to decorate your wall, it is good to have some information beforehand about art prints.
1. Difference between art print and original
One of the main differences is that an artist created the original artwork by hand and, therefore, would cost a lot of money. The art print is a copy of this original work that can be purchased for a lot less. Art prints do not have the textured strokes of an artist’s brush and are very flat. If you looked very closely at an art print, you would see a dot matrix pattern on the image. It will also have sharp and clean edges and have no irregularities, which an original artwork created by hand would have upon the canvas. However, if reproduced with high quality, an art print can look just as good as an original work of art.
2. Open or Limited
When an artist chooses to sell open edition prints, there is never any limit to how many art prints will be offered. Since this doesn’t mean that the print will always be available if you find one, you love it is a good idea to purchase it right away. After choosing your art print, the gallery will process it with a professional printer and send it directly onto you.
Limited edition prints are those available in only a certain amount. They are created by the artist and sent directly to you. Some are signed and numbered. Since these art prints are exclusive, they are considered to be more valuable and have a higher price.
3. Types of Open Edition Art Prints
You can usually find three types of open edition art prints at galleries:
– Canvas prints usually come as high-quality giclee reproductions. They are created through the use of an advanced ink jet printing process and made to capture the look of painted pigments. These are possible to reproduce with over 36 million colours. The artwork is printed on a quality matte bright white canvas and stretched over wooden stretcher bars. They are sent to you ready to hang on your wall. All of the canvases have a protective layer against UV rays, designed to protect the print from sunlight and scratches so that it always looks its best.
– Fine art paper prints are also qualitative giclee reproductions but printed on natural white high quality, specially made paper. Fine art prints feature soft colour fidelity on a surface that is a bit textured and resembles watercolour paper. Each of these prints includes a paper border so that it is ready for framing.
– Gallery photo paper prints are fine photo reproductions that feature sharp colour fidelity or smooth, bright white paper with a lustrous finish. The paper is specially made for the prints, and all of these kinds of art prints include a white border that makes it ready for framing.
4. Framing
You’ll find that no matter what kind of art print you choose, you can get framing. There are many types of wood frames to choose from, and all of them come with shatterproof plexiglass so that it is delivered to you damage-free.
For great quality fine art prints, go to Southern Cross Printing.

Why Parents Prefer Private Schools
Parents want the best education for their children. In today’s ever-changing world, parents need to impart skills to help them navigate life with ease and be successful in life. Many options exist that parents need to choose for their children, ranging from boarding schools, private schools, preschools, and alternative schools.
Here are some of the reasons why parents don’t fear investing in private schools. They take it as a challenge to provide their children unique experience, and it’s worth the investment:
Enriched academic opportunities
Private schools in most countries are preferred because they provide exceptional opportunities and experiences. On average private schools produce top marks in standardized exams compared to public schools. Pupils graduating from private schools score top marks, and their chances of joining top universities or universities of their choices are guaranteed.
Small class units
The smaller the class unit, the better the average score of a class.
Smaller classes deliver sterling performances compared to the average class size standard in public schools. With their vast resources, private schools have smaller classes to enable teachers to teach and manage individual students effectively. It can be easy to identify weak students who direct more efforts towards uplifting their performance to be on par with the others. Most private schools, in many states, focus on the importance of small classes.
Parents involvement in matters of academic
In private schools, parents and administration communicate to help identify priority areas to help learners achieve their potentials. From parent-teacher meetings, academic days, social events, family weekends, visiting days, parent committees, and more, there is constant contact between parents, teachers, administration, and the children, the level of monitoring and motivation is high, leaving the children with no option but to deliver the best.
Dedicated teachers
According to many parents, their reason for choosing private schools for their kids is dedicated teachers. Teachers are highly qualified and passionate about their teaching subjects. Besides, they are highly motivated and remunerated hence work with utmost dedication to teach children and pay extra attention to individual children who need special treatment. Teachers in private schools are closely related to the children hence play role models to the upcoming generation. In addition to smaller classes, teachers are readily available to challenge pupils to garner better results.
Safe environment
Private schools are well known for high standards and discipline. The lower teacher to student ratio allows for effective monitoring and observation of children. The strong sense of belonging eliminates indiscipline issues in private schools. It is agreeable that the level of discipline in school is directly proportional to academic performance.
Community environment
Parents believe that private schools are conducive to a learning environment. The education system in private schools allows teachers and parents to motivate and nurture their children to give back to society through their education system. Parents believe that private schools are a place where children begin to build quality networks to help them in their future endeavours.
Ample resources
On average, private schools provide splendid learning resources to their learners, like the studio, modern labs, sports field, and state-of-the-art infrastructure that boost academic and extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular activities
As much as academic performance is the main focus in most private schools, they still nurture talents through various extracurricular activities such as music, sports, arts, and clubs.

Signs of a Quality Daycare Center
Parents want the most affordable daycare for their kids but quality services close to what they get at home. The options can be overwhelming, but until you do research, you will find that some facilities are severely lacking than you thought while others have what it takes. The search for the right daycare centre is not a walk in the park. And it is crucial to get every point right lest you learn to leave with the stress of the unknown, what if my child mistreated? What if my child does not get the right nutrition? And so on. Parents need to plan for the child’s daycare way before they are born. As a general rule of thumb, if you are a working mother, look for a daycare facility as early as the second trimester. Having enough time on your side is beneficial because you will have the opportunity to interrogate prospective daycare centres to settle on what’s best for your child.
Here are some of the qualities fantastic daycares must have:
Stellar reviews
A fantastic daycare will have great reviews and a good reputation. It must have great feedback from current parents. It includes reviews you read about a daycare online as well as what you hear from references you requested from a facility, friends, and colleagues. As you carve through a list of daycare facilities, note down patterns of good and bad traits. No one is perfect, but at least you want more than average for your child. If you find a daycare with a streak of complaints, there is a question mark about the facility, avoid those! When you are researching a daycare online, don’t underestimate what people say about the facility on social platforms and, of course, reviews, and customer feedback.
Caring and stimulating environment
You will feel this the first time you enter the gate, the first impression is the last, at first sight, you will have the feeling about the facility, does it have enough space for play, is the environment vibrant, clean and fun for your child? Take a look at the entire environment, and determine if it is welcoming and home-like; look at the diversity of the children in the classroom. Observe the children, the way they engage in class, and the playground. Do they have diverse activities to keep them busy throughout the day? Do they have to scramble for playground resources? If you are quite observant, you will note down all these the first time you enter the facility.
Interesting curriculum schedule
What your child will engage with throughout the day matters a lot. Do you want your child to have a fluid schedule that’s child-led or a school environment with a strict schedule to follow throughout the day? It’s up to you to decide what you want for your child. Either way, the best daycare facilities will meet all your needs for your child.
Qualified caregivers
Make sure all the caregivers in a facility are certified and trained. Most caregivers have achieved degrees in early childhood development or in the process of obtaining one. With such qualifications from caregivers, you are confident as a parent that your child gets the right treatment.
Great daycare centre goes beyond the brinks to ensure the safety of the kids. It includes childproofing, food safety, quality play equipment and toys, and constant supervision of toddlers as they play.
Kelvin Grove childcare could be the right facility for you. Give them a visit to find out more.

Artist Supplies to Purchase for Beginners
Artist supplies are not challenging to find or to purchase. If you are an artist, you pretty much know what you need and what to look for in a real store or an online store. It can get confusing for those who are just starting for their pleasure to either draw or to paint. In this case, when looking for art supplies, it is an excellent idea to know just what kind of supplies you need at the beginning. Many online Australian sites sell a wide variety of art supplies. So let’s take a look at what you should have when starting.
1. Sketchpad
First of all, you need something to draw on, like a sketchpad or drawing paper. You don’t need a very thick pad just enough to start you off. Also, if you are considering painting or using watercolours, you’ll need to sketch what you are going to paint before actually adding colour to the subject.
2. Pencils
Next, not just any pencil will do, but a set of reliable drawing pencils is needed. In this case, you should choose graphic pencils, and 3 or 4 should start you off nicely. You’ll need a 2B graphic pencil for basic sketching and shading, a 6B for creating dark shadows, and a 4B for working in light areas.
3. Eraser
Even a professional artist can make mistakes. So you need to purchase kneaded erasers, which are simple to use and won’t leave residue behind. With these kinds of erasers, you can give them different shapes so you can erase smaller areas of shading to provide a light effect to your drawings.
4. Surface to paint on
Once you have completed a drawing, you’ll want to draw the finished picture onto a surface for painting. If you are going to use watercolours, you’ll need watercolour paper, which is paper that has been stretched and is ready for you to paint on. If you choose acrylic paints, then you need acrylic paper pads since these take up less space than a canvas.
5. Palette
From the beginning, you can purchase and use any palette, and a plastic one works well with both watercolours and acrylic paint. They can be purchased at any art supply place and are washable and straightforward.
6. Brushes
For your basic needs, you should have three paint brushes when beginning to work with acrylics. The most common is a filbert for basic painting with which you can smooth out the details, and a flat wash brush which is used for painting backgrounds—finally, a small liner for the finer details.
If you’re going to paint with watercolours, you’ll require a medium or large-sized flat brush used for washes. You will also need a round brush for overall painting and a liner brush for the smaller details.
7. Paint
No matter if you choose watercolours, acrylic, or even oils, you have to have paint. Paint in several lovely and brilliant colours. Even paint can be at first just the basics to be expanded later. So in the very beginning, you’ll want to choose at least one of each – blue, red, brown, and yellow. Your palette should consist of various shades of these colours. So if you are not sure, you can find a professional art supply dealer even online and make inquiries before you make your purchase.
Melbourne Etching Supplies sells top quality artists supplies at reasonable prices. Visit their shop and enjoy.

How to make sure your child adjusts well at kindergarten
If you have homeschooled your child all this while transitioning to a kindergarten might seem like a tough job. It is important that you pay extra attention to children who are heading towards kindergarten. Even if a child is already attending a preschool, they still need a little push in the right direction.
There are many children who are quite vocal about their fears. However some children might not be so direct with expressing their worries. Sometimes children act out in certain ways which is not in keeping with the usual behavior. This can be attributed to the fact that they are feeling stressed about the change which is to come in their life.
There are certain ways through which you can help your child make the transition easily from a preschool or being homeschooled to kindergarten.
- You can start with play therapy at home only. You can make use of small stuffed animals or even make your own finger puppets. Carry out role play in which the actors experience the transition to a new area or a place. Also present coping strategies for children for example how Mr. elephant overcame his fear of a new place.
- Always make sure that you are talking about the transition to kindergarten in a positive manner. Your anxiety shouldn’t show through otherwise it is going to reflect on your child as well.
- It is also important for you to visit this school during the summer. You need to take along the child with you. Schools which provide daily schedules for having children over for a little while. Familiarizing your child with the kindergarten class would help them understand about their surroundings and their for lower the fear in them.
- If you know some of the classmates of your children you can set up play dates.
- It is also important to carry out to role-play on a daily basis. This would help your preschooler learn that change is inevitable and that they have to accept it in order to be happy.
- You can even talk about your own personal experience. Tell your child about how you felt when you had to attend kindergarten for the first time.
- You can even ask the elder children to join in and let the brothers and sisters know about their experiences at school. They can talk about all the fun things they used to do and the playground activities which keep them busy throughout the day. Hearing other people talk about their experiences can help is all the problems which the child is facing during the transition.
- On the other hand also allow your child to experience the fear. Tell them that it is completely normal to be afraid. Other children in the position might be feeling just the same. Instead of brushing their fear aside let them know that things like this happen all the time and that they should be brave enough to face this and accept it as a challenge.
As a parent it is important for you to motivate your child in attending day care in Sippy Downs.

5 Tips from Preschool Teachers to Parents
It is observed in around 90% of the kids between 2 to 5 years that they act quite sufficient at their schools but tests the limits and patience of their parents at home. Parents whine about their attitudes in parent-teachers meetings while teachers admire their self-reliance and healthy habits. While conversing with some experienced preschool melbourne teachers, it is assumed that the lack of discipline urges children to act recklessly at home while the disciplined environment of the school, the constructive criticism reproval of teachers pushes a child to act reasonably at school. So if you want your child to behave at home, go through these 5 effective tips from preschools teachers to parents for better child management at home.
Raise the Bar
Expect more from your kids. At preschools, teachers expect students to eat their meals, go to the washroom by themselves, wash their hands afterward, pack their bags and seek permissions for their activities when you expect more from your kids they align themselves to meet your expectations. At home, when you spoon-feed them everything they get uneager to use their energy. Trusting them is very important in creating and shaping a child’s personality and attitude. That’s what teachers do at schools and parents avoid it out of love and care.

Teach them Independence
If you see your kid getting on a step stool to get his favorite toy or see her assembling a toy or when she is tangling her hair in the hairbrush, don’t just rush to help them. Give them a chance to solve their problems without your help. If they succeed, that will boost their confidence in themselves and raise their chance of taking more initiatives. If you will be there at each step, you are losing their chance of growth and independence.
Enjoy their Character Building Moments
To encourage their sense of worth and competency, assign them some easy but productive tasks as watering the plants or clean their study table. While trusting their aptitude for the job, kids welcome their abilities to hang their uniforms by themselves or polish their shoes. It means when you trust them with something and appreciate them when the assignment is completed, they involve themselves more in daily chores thus building their charterer moments for you to rejoice.
Assign Rewards for boring chores
Nobody likes to do boring stuff, a preschooler is no exception. If you like your kid to take interest in his daily rituals as brushing the teeth or putting plates in the sink after a meal, try something enjoyable to get it done. Maybe you will read him his favorite book story before sleep or have him his favorite breakfast in the morning. Rewards and appreciation build up their self-confidence and sense of competency.
Discipline is Mandatory
A misbehaved child is the one whose parent is unforgiving about the discipline. Even acting late on disciplining a child about his misconduct is damaging for a child’s attitude. When a misdemeanor is seen on a child’s part, a quick reprimand becomes necessary. It must be made clear to them that their misconduct has repercussions and specify some light punishments with it as no dessert at night or postponing weekend trips etc. this will encourage the child to adjust his behavior accordingly.

Conceived by the association Co-cò Spazio Co-Stanza which recently inaugurated its new headquarters in via Ponte alle Mosse 32-38 red (make a jump, it’s a beautiful place) and physically set up in the cinema room of the Stensen Foundation, Cinema in the family it is an appointment consisting of 8 meetings during which, each time, a theme on parenting will be addressed through important issues that affect the private, social and civil sphere.
The opportunity for parents thanks to this initiative is extraordinary, and not because in the city there are no opportunities for reflection and meeting dedicated to parents, but because the problem of these meetings always remains that of how to organize to leave the children and create the paradox that to participate in a meeting to improve as a person and as a parent, it is necessary to release the child somewhere.
The staff of Co-cò Spazio Co-Stanza has instead chosen to organize the meetings in harmony with family needs allowing parents who wish to participate not to have to ask for favors and indeed, just as they are dedicated to watching the film and then at the moment for discussion and reflection, their children will be engaged in a playful activity in the same place but in another space, and they too will see a film suitable for their age and then dedicating themselves to a themed workshop. The chosen theme will be the same for both parents and their children, but dealt with with different tools and supports.
As parents I imagine you realize the incredible opportunity, because it is not always easy to leave children even when you have extremely available grandparents: in fact, it is an account to ask for help because you have to go to work, have a medical examination or a commitment bureaucratic, another is to ask for a hand because you want to do something for yourself; not all grandparents are available to understand this need, perhaps not out of malice, but only because we already ask them a lot during the week.

For our family the Unicorn party that takes place in Vinci is a consolidated appointment (for the 2019 edition the days are those of the 26th, 27th and 28th of July) . We have already written a lot in the past years and if you don’t know exactly what it is, I refer you to our post that tells you about the festival: what is the Unicorn Festival .
Year after year, given that it is a great event, it tends to be bigger and better and, welcoming many families, the trend is to prepare more and more areas suitable for children.
Also for the 2019 edition, an area called “The village of the gnomes” has been set up where children can find a chivalrous environment with old-time challenges, space for tales and storytellers, night shows, Elven parade . And then again animation with Giocamuseo, Lego area, carousel courtyard, dinosaurs, soap bubbles. The program of the gnome area for 2019 is here: https://www.festaunicorno.com/it/program.php?day=VEN&A=GNO#programma
The pirate bay with themed animation and games, a parade of fantastic creatures and the mermaids ‘ bay are also very suitable for children : https://www.festaunicorno.com/it/program.php?day=VEN&A=PIR#programma
The court of dreams is another inevitable place, among other things, there is the possibility of letting the boys try archery, lord of the rings themed outfits, juggling and street arts.
There are also fierce criticisms from families who have been there, many focused on the fact that participating in the family and spending a day there putting: lunch, snack, dinner, entrance ticket and the inevitable gadgets for children, is an economic drain . It’s true. We who are a large family among food, gift for children, the alley of fear (for a fee), a gift for each person before leaving, and the movements from Florence have abundantly exceeded the figure of 100 Euros. A few tips, and a lot of money is saved.