For our family the Unicorn party that takes place in Vinci is a consolidated appointment (for the 2019 edition the days are those of the 26th, 27th and 28th of July) . We have already written a lot in the past years and if you don’t know exactly what it is, I refer you to our post that tells you about the festival: what is the Unicorn Festival .
Year after year, given that it is a great event, it tends to be bigger and better and, welcoming many families, the trend is to prepare more and more areas suitable for children.
Also for the 2019 edition, an area called “The village of the gnomes” has been set up where children can find a chivalrous environment with old-time challenges, space for tales and storytellers, night shows, Elven parade . And then again animation with Giocamuseo, Lego area, carousel courtyard, dinosaurs, soap bubbles. The program of the gnome area for 2019 is here: https://www.festaunicorno.com/it/program.php?day=VEN&A=GNO#programma
The pirate bay with themed animation and games, a parade of fantastic creatures and the mermaids ‘ bay are also very suitable for children : https://www.festaunicorno.com/it/program.php?day=VEN&A=PIR#programma
The court of dreams is another inevitable place, among other things, there is the possibility of letting the boys try archery, lord of the rings themed outfits, juggling and street arts.
There are also fierce criticisms from families who have been there, many focused on the fact that participating in the family and spending a day there putting: lunch, snack, dinner, entrance ticket and the inevitable gadgets for children, is an economic drain . It’s true. We who are a large family among food, gift for children, the alley of fear (for a fee), a gift for each person before leaving, and the movements from Florence have abundantly exceeded the figure of 100 Euros. A few tips, and a lot of money is saved.
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