Why ISO 9001 Accreditation is Essential for Business Success
ISO 9001 accreditation is a quality management system recognised internationally; many countries worldwide have enjoyed the benefits of ISO 9001 accreditation despite their organisations’ size; it helps them to continuously improve their business. A well-implemented ISO 9001 quality management system helps business organisations enjoy benefits such as effective and efficient operations and proper monitoring of workers at the workplace. It helps make decisions about the current and future state of the business, lays out expectations and solutions to possible problems, documents the responsibilities of employees, and establishes channels of communication between leaders and workers at all levels.
ISO 9001 cert from Atlas Certification leads to high-quality products and good customer services, making them fully satisfied and appreciating all stakeholders’ relationships.
Quality management system follows certain principles that influence organisation activities; the principles have some rules, norms, and beliefs that guide how the organisation’s activities are done. The principles make organisations run smoothly, leading to management performance improvement.
These quality management principles are:
1. Customer focus: The principle focuses mainly on making customers satisfied; the organisation also tries its best to maintain customers and attract more to increase their sales volume. The organisation should also understand the customer’s expectations. It enables the organisation to have benefits such as; the customer’s value is significantly increased, ensuring the customer is fully satisfied, increased sales volume, and improved customer loyalty.
2. Leadership: The principle states that all leaders should have unity irrespective of their status. Doing this creates a conducive working environment, hence easing organisation goals due to proper use of available resources. The principle helps the organisation acquire benefits like; ensure leaders are coordinating among leaders, leading to improved communication between different levels of organisation’s management, and improving the organisation ability to deliver up to the customer’s expectations.
3. Engagement of people: The principle explains that people of different levels in the organisation should work together to ensure they meet their customers’ needs. It is affected when all people are respected, empowered, and recognised; thus, enabling them to achieve a quality objective. The benefits of good engagement of people include; leads to a well understanding of quality objectives by all individuals in the organisation. It enhances creativity and satisfaction and ensures good collaboration in the organisation.
4. Process approach: Proper understanding and well management of business activities leads to a more efficient and effective organisation. The principle includes optimising performance by properly utilising the available resources, enabling the organisation to know possible outcomes, and identifying market gaps.
5. Improvement: The organisation should focus on maintaining and improving their initial performance, and they should be ready to cope with internal and external conditions when running their organisations. Benefits of organisation improvement include improving process performance and customer satisfaction; it enables the organisation to tackle internal and external environments with due diligence.
6. Evidence-based decision-making: Well-analysis and evaluation of available data and information in every organisation lead to sound decision-making, ensuring smooth running. Its benefits are; improvement of the decision-making process ensures the organisation’s operation’s effectiveness and efficiency and ensures the right decisions arrived at every time.
7. Relationship management: For every business to succeed, all organisation’s relationships are well-managed to ensure that all resources are well-utilised. The benefits include; organisation performance, leading to a good supply chain, thus enabling a continuous flow of goods and services.
When organisations follow the latter’s principles, they will realise drastic performance improvement and provide the right working environment for all individuals in and around the organisation and all stakeholders.
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